Listen up Lovelies,
They will mock you behind your back and scoff at your dreams.
They will judge your work ethic, They will judge your early retirement, They will judge your decision to go back to school.
They will judge you if you stay home with your kiddos, They will judge you if you build a career.
They will judge the # of kids you have, They will judge your decision not to have kids at all, They might even judge why you can’t have kids…as if that is your fault. :(
They will judge your marriage. They will judge you as newlyweds. They will judge you when you’re 20 years in and counting. They will judge your decision to stay married, They will judge your divorce, They may even judge how quickly you marry after the death of a spouse.... or how long you live alone.
They will judge what you wear, the amount of makeup on your face and if your lashes are real. They will judge your weight gain, they will judge your weight loss, They will judge your hair and the # of selfies you take.
They will judge the house you live in, and the area of town you chose. They will judge why you stayed in your hometown and they will judge why you moved away.
They will judge your decision to homeschool, your decision to private school, your decision to take that extra family vacation and skip school altogether.
They will judge you for your night out with friends, They will judge you for NOT going out with your friends.
They will judge your giving, They will judge your heart.
They will judge your efforts, They will judge you when you give up, They will judge you when you carry on.
They will judge you through your sickness, They will judge you through your strengths.
They will judge your journey in the valley, They will judge you when you rise to the top of the mountain.
They will judge your spirit when you fight for a cause bigger than you, They will judge your spirit when it’s tired and needs to retreat.
They will judge your lack of boundaries, They will judge your walls.
They will judge you when you respond to the crazy, They will judge you when you say nothing at all.
What am I trying to say?
We view the world through the same lens in which we view ourselves… If you’ve found yourself in the land of judgement… know this… those who spend their time judging others… spend even more time judging themselves…
Just imagine how dark and empty that space must be for them… So when the accusations come… when the words sting… take a breath.. say a prayer for them… and know this… they may be hard on you… but they are even harder on themselves…and that is absolutely heartbreaking.
Condemnation has no place in community, friendship, church, and family… no place at all.
Lets all be the lovelies who speak words of affirmation, acceptance, life, and love. If we drown out the condemnation... those stuck in this space become free... they will learn to love themselves... and one day they can love you too... and then we can learn to love each other... in all our mess... in all our glory.