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We choose it... All of it.

The choices we make have lasting effect. I don't think we realize this while we are in the thick of it all.... but they do. I also don't think we realize how much our head space affects our choices.

When we are operating on all cylinders....healthy... with our hearts, souls, minds, and bodies, in sync with one another... we make choices that come from a light filled and loved filled space.

When we are operating from a deficiency... when our hearts, souls, minds, and bodies are struggling to function.... our choices look different... they come from a place of fear...and we all know fear is someone we should NOT be friends with... if we can help it.

There is always a choice... within the choice... We choose what we allow to feed our minds... our hearts... We choose who we let in... the voices we listen to... and once we choose what fills us... the result puts us in a place where we begin choosing with an either/or mechanism... there is no middle ground.... We choose to exude either bitterness or kindness...

It's one or the other. What do you exude? It's a hard one to determine and requires a bit of self awareness... actually it requires LOTS of self awareness. Look yourself in the mirror and face it... all of it. What is bleeding out of your pores today? Bitterness? or Kindness? We choose to love with condition... or to love in spite of flaws...

This is a BIG one... where do you stand? I think if we are all honest we love WITH conditions most of the time... but within our own journeys to whole hearted living... the goal is to love IN SPITE OF... as much as we possibly can. This is where the choice comes in... WHO can YOU love today IN SPITE OF... and who can you choose to love that may not love you back... when you can do this... love without the return on your investment... You just mastered how to love in spite of... and that is EVERYTHING when it comes to having PEACE.

We choose to see the glass half empty... or half full...

For me... it all depends on the day...and what a shame that it is. I miss out on so much because I see so little. We choose to fail... or to rise again....

The decision occurs when you are lying on the mat... you've just been knocked down and the next step is up to you... ALL UP TO YOU. What will you do next? We choose to give up...or fight.... Don't tell me they are not worth it.... too much history... to much life spent together... kick pride to the curb and fight for those you love... relationships matter.

We choose to stay in the dark... or live in the light...

This one is also hard for me. I wanna hide... oh about twice a week. But I have to choose to enter my life boldly... everyday... and when I do... I see all the little things that remind me the dark can only last so long... and sometimes we think we have succumbed to it...and all we have to do is lift the shades... We choose to stay in the box... or to step out...

You wanna give birth to a new idea... a new business.... a new chapter in your life... but your box isn't big enough... yeah you can stay in there... but you will DIE... you MUST break down the walls and walk in freedom... you were never meant to live inside that hell hole... EVER. We choose to listen to insecurities... or silence them once and for all...

No one can control what happens between your ears... except you.. and that is where your insecurity lives. Don't let outside opinion color your insides gray. Insecurity feeds the beast that keeps you locked up in the box... YOU have everything you need to be GREAT... YOU have everything you need to stand on your OWN two feet... Your insecurities are more dangerous than the naysayers in the stands... kick them out. Kick them ALL OUT. We choose to follow... or to lead...

Sure we can follow the crowd and it may be a lot of fun... but you know me... I don't do crowds.. Imagine the places we could go... the world we could discover... the ground we could uncover... if we decided to lead ourselves... if we made the choice to walk the road we are called to... even if it means walking it alone. We choose to tear down... or build up...

Here are the facts. Hurt people hurt people. Broken people break people. Happy people help people and thankful people give freely. And that is that. We choose it. We choose it all...

So tell me... what will you choose to do TODAY? What head space will you make your decisions from? Remember... it's ALL UP TO YOU.

Choose well.

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